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5 Sept 2015

So I went on TV...

So remember that list of new year's resolutions I had, well I am doing pretty well at ticking them off. The thing I thought that would be most difficult was my random idea to go on a quiz show. It actually turned out to be surprisingly easy! Back in January I had planned to apply to as many quiz shows as I could but didn't really expect to hear anything back. I'd only got round to applying for a few before getting a very exciting voice mail off Two Tribes asking me to call back as they were interested in my application. Eeeek!
I called back the next day trying to sound as interesting and charming as possible! I also had to do a little practise quiz on the phone. I was awful, I literally got every question wrong and thought that would definitely be the end of my quizzing days but a few days later I got an email asking to arrange a skype audition. They would usually do a bigger audition with lots of people at this point but I was a little bit late in applying so got to do it over skype instead, a massive advantage in my opinion. I was really nervous for the skype audition, I hate speaking to people on skype any way and I knew there was going to be a second quiz too. I wore a bright top and tried to be really confident and chatty, the guy I spoke to was lovely which definitely helped. We had a nice chat about general things and then had another quiz, this one was a little bit better, there was definitely a question about Alton Towers that I got very excited about! After that I had to wait to see if I was short listed and then would have to wait after that to find out if I had got on the show. I got an email to say I'd been short listed shortly after but had to wait for quite a while after that to hear anything more. I just assumed I hadn't got any further but a few days after I heard back with the good news! Wahoo!!
I was asked to bring 5 outfits with me, the colour guidelines were very particular too. We had to arrive with our hair done but no makeup as we would get that done there. It was filmed at Elstree studios which are just out side of London so I travelled down the night before and stayed over. I read my quiz book all the way down and tried to cram as much knowledge into my head as I possibly could, not sure it did much good though.
The actual day of recording was quite long. We had an early start and quite a lot of waiting around but it was all very exciting. The other people on my episode were really nice and interesting, most of them had been on other quiz shows as well so knew what kind of thing to expect. Our outfits were sent to wardrobe, they chose what we would be wearing from what we had brought. We then got taken down to makeup which was great fun, they used air-brushing which I hadn't ever had done before.
When it came to go down to the show I was feeling really nervous but everyone who worked on the show were so nice. Richard Osman introduced himself before we started and he was so nice and friendly, we were told that he gets just as nervous as us before each show so not to worry. To be honest I was pretty rubbish during the quiz, I did know a few answers but got A LOT wrong. I managed to last a few rounds though which was more than I expected. I won't give too much away as you an still watch the show on iplayer (I'm episode 48) but i think it's all really funny and it was such a great experience.
One thing I have noticed is how many people have told me how rubbish I look on the episode. Since it aired I have been told I look short, fat, have too much make up, not enough make up, don't suit my hair and don't suit my lipstick. All these things have been said really casually like it wasn't insulting. It definitely is. Like most people, I criticise the way I look any way and definitely don't love what I look like either but it's something else to be told it by lots of other people, not cool guys! I would never normally say anything negative on here but it's something that's been bothering me. It's also made me realise how hard it must be for people who are constantly in the spot light!
I absolutely loved the whole experience and would definitely do another show if I was given the chance. I think I would probably do some more swatting up next time!!

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